AUDES ST 5000DC Power Conditioner.New Model.
The Audes ST-900, ST-1500 and ST-3000 power conditioners are designed to power high-end and high-fidelity AV devices. The main element of the device is a 230 VAC/115 + 115 VAC balancing ring transformer designed and developed by Audes, which isolates the equipment from the household network. Despite the significant power rating of such transformers, the construction of the power conditioner completely excludes harmful electromagnetic radiation.
Audes’ own DC blocker is installed in the ST-900 DC, ST-1500, ST-3000 and ST-5000 models. This is used to eliminate the humming noise caused by direct current components in the network. It is an in-house development that works in a sound-neutral manner and therefore does not reduce the sound gain through the power conditioner.
Description ST-5000 Power Conditioner
power rating 5000 VA
inlet PowerCon 32 A Connector Neutrik NAC3MP
outlet 9×16A/250VAC Socket CEE 7/3
Power Supply Cable* PowerCon 32 A/250 VAC Cable Connector Neutrik NAC3FC
Dimensions H 26.0cm × W 43.5cm × D 34.7cm
weight 45 kg
* Neutrik NAC3FC Connector (without cable) included
Το ST-5000 μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για εξοπλισμό ήχου και εικόνας, ενώ η ποιότητα, κυρίως του ήχου, βελτιώνεται σημαντικά ως αποτέλεσμα. Απλά συνδέετε όλες τις συσκευές στις πρίζες του Power Conditioner και οι επονομαζόμενοι πόλοι αποτελούν παρελθόν. Να σημειώσουμε ότι το ST-900 λειτουργεί χωρίς διαθέσιμη σύνδεση γείωσης!
Ο μετασχηματιστής του Audes ST-5000 έχει σχεδιαστεί με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε ο αριθμός των στροφών του πρωτεύοντος τυλίγματος να είναι μέγιστος, με αποτέλεσμα την πολύ χαμηλή κατανάλωση ισχύος πράγμα που οδηγεί στο να είναι πάντα ενεργοποιημένο το Power Conditioner.
Το Audes ST-5000 έχει πολύ χαμηλή αντίσταση εξόδου συνεχούς ρεύματος και επομένως μπορεί εύκολα να προσφέρει υψηλές κορυφές ρεύματος χωρίς πτώση της δευτερεύουσας τάσης (230V). Αυτό επιτυγχάνεται επειδή η Audes έχει αναπτύξει έναν μετασχηματιστή με πολύ μεγάλο πυρήνα και λειτουργώντας τον με ελάχιστη επαγωγή, οι τρέχουσες κορυφές που μπορεί να προσφέρει το Audes ST-5000 είναι πολλές φορές υψηλότερες από αυτές του δικτύου.
Ένα άλλο πρόβλημα με την τροφοδοσία του εξοπλισμού υψηλής τεχνολογίας AV, είναι η “μόλυνση” του δικτύου. Ο μετασχηματιστής Audes ST-5000 έχει σχεδιαστεί για να λειτουργεί ως φίλτρο χαμηλής διέλευσης. Επειδή σχεδόν όλες οι βλάβες του ηλεκτρικού δικτύου είναι υψηλής συχνότητας, η συχνότητα διακοπής είναι 800 Hz.
The Audes Power Conditioner ST-5000 can be used with both sound and image equipment; the quality, especially of the sound, but also that of a beamer, for example, is greatly improved as a result. The best result is achieved by connecting the entire installation to the Power Conditioner. The Power Conditioner is designed for use with both solid state and pipe equipment.
It doesn’t matter how you plug the equipment into the sockets of the Power Conditioner! The so-called poles are therefore a thing of the past. The Power Conditioner also works without an earth connection available!
The transformer of the Audes ST-5000 is designed in such a way that the number of primary turns is maximum; as a result, the power consumption of an unloaded Audes ST-5000 is very low; in practice you always leave the Power Conditioner “on”.
Stable voltage / current supply
During highly dynamic parts of an audio track (eg Tutti Fortissimo of a full symphonic orchestra, sounds of large ethnic drums, bass parts of experimental electronic music and cinematic SFX = special effects) a (power) amplifier draws enormous current peaks from the mains. Values from 50 to 100A are certainly no exception, the voltage level (230V) must remain constant under these harsh conditions, so without “dips” and moreover (theoretically) an “infinite amount of current can be supplied”.
An ordinary household socket, which is connected to a distribution board in the meter cupboard with long electrical cables, cannot supply such current levels, partly because of the relatively high output impedance. The Audes ST-5000 has a very low
DC output resistance and can therefore easily deliver very high current peaks without the secondary voltage (230V) dropping. This is achieved because Audes has developed a transformer with a very large core and by making it work with a minimal inductance, the current peaks that the Audes ST-5000 can deliver are many times higher than those of the mains.
Mains pollution
Another problem with the power supply of high-end AV equipment is contamination of the mains. This is caused by, among other things, switches, controllers of electric motors, dimmers, switching power supplies and last but not least (nearby) solar panels!
Electrical disturbances are eliminated by the symmetrical construction of the primary and secondary winding of the Audes transformer. The secondary winding is divided into two halves and has a center tap, which is connected to the ground terminals of each CEE 7/3 socket.
The high-quality CEE 7/3 sockets are galvanically isolated from the mains. The Audes transformer is provided with proper shielding against electromagnetic disturbances from outside.
The transformer of the Audes ST-5000 is designed to act as a low-pass filter. Because almost all electrical network failures are high frequency, the cut-off frequency is 800 Hz. The foregoing technical aspects make it possible to remove almost all contamination that reaches the primary side of the transformer via the mains, so that a reliable stable voltage and very high-quality clean current is available for your equipment on the secondary side of the transformer.
The Audes ST-5000 draws a peak current of approximately 45A when switched on. A special series resistor, which is short-circuited by a relay after the transformer has “filled up”, limits this peak current. As a result, the inrush current of the Power Conditioner is not too high for your 32A* fused mains connection.
The Audes Power Conditioners are equipped with overload protection and are thermally protected, which switches off the transformer as soon as the temperature of the transformer reaches 90 °C. When the temperature drops to 75 °C, the device automatically reconnects to the mains.
How do you experience it
The response time of an amplifier to an audio signal is considerably shorter when using a Power Conditioner, especially at lower frequencies, this shorter response time also benefits the reproduction of transients. The dynamics are dramatically increased, resulting in more realistic-sounding musical instruments and cinematic SFX.
During the Power Conditioners demos, most listeners will experience the increase in dynamics as if the volume was turned up a little with the same volume control position. The placement of instruments and the height, width and depth of the soundstage increase, there is clearly more “air around the instruments”, all in all a huge improvement. We dare to say that everyone is really enthusiastic after a demo. We often hear: ”I really did not expect this” and “What a huge improvement”. This improvement is already clearly audible on ALL somewhat serious sound equipment!
The Audes ST-5000 produces virtually no acoustic noise, making it extremely suitable for use in recording studios, listening rooms at the Hifi dealer, but of course also in combination with audio-video equipment at home, with the aim of giving you a magnificent “live” experience of your favorite music and/or movie.
*The Audes ST-5000 must be connected to a group in the meter box in order to be able to supply its 5000VA, which is equipped with a 32A fuse.
Βάρος | 60 kg |